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You searched for: cravings
  • What You Need to Know About Drugs for Kids

    Drugs are chemicals that change the way a person's body works. Some drugs help you feel better, but drugs also can harm you. Learn more in this article for kids.

  • Seasonal Affective Disorder (SAD) for Parents

    A person with SAD typically experiences symptoms of depression as winter approaches and daylight hours become shorter.

  • Emotional Eating for Teens

    We've all eaten a whole bag of chips out of boredom or while cramming for a big test. Learn more about emotional eating, and how to manage it, in this article for teens.

  • All About Periods for Teens

    Periods can be confusing. Get the facts in this article for teens.

  • Dealing With Addiction for Teens

    Find out what you can do if you think you or a friend has a drug or alcohol addiction - from recognizing the warning signs to suggestions to help you stay clean.

  • Cutting and Self-Harm for Parents

    Some teens and even pre-teens hurt themselves on purpose. Find out why some cut or do other types of self-injury and how to help.

  • Cutting & Self-Injury for Teens

    It can be hard to understand, but people who self-injure sometimes do it because it actually makes them feel better. They are overflowing with emotions - like sadness, depression, or anger - that they have trouble expressing.

  • Recovering From Delivery for Parents

    After giving birth, you'll notice you've changed somewhat - both physically and emotionally. Here's what to expect after labor and delivery.

  • Female Reproductive System for Parents

    The female reproductive system is made up of the parts inside and outside a female’s body that help make a baby. Learn about them and how they work.

  • Female Reproductive System for Teens

    Why do girls get periods? What goes on when a woman gets pregnant? What can go wrong with the female reproductive system? Find the answers to these questions and more in this article for teens.