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Aetna Better Health of Virginia (Medicaid) is a KidsHealth Educational Partner

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  • What Is a Cardiac Catheterization? (Video) for Parents

    A cardiac catheterization is a procedure that cardiologists (heart doctors) do. They put a catheter (a long, thin tube) into a blood vessel, then guide it the heart. Cardiac catheterizations help doctors diagnose and treat many different heart problems.

  • What's Hypoplastic Left Heart Syndrome (HLHS)? (Video) for Parents

    Hypoplastic left heart syndrome (HLHS) is a problem that happens when the left side of a baby’s heart doesn't form as it should. It’s smaller than normal and can’t pump enough blood to the body. After the baby is born, doctors can treat the problem with medicines and several surgeries.

  • What's a Hydrocele? (Video) for Parents

    A hydrocele (HI-dro-seel) is a pouch of fluid around the testicle inside the scrotum. Hydroceles are common in newborns, especially in premature babies. Older boys and men can get them too.

  • What's a Loop Ostomy? (Video) for Parents

    Watch a short video to learn what a loop ostomy is and how it works.

  • What's a Double Barrel Ostomy? (Video) for Parents

    Watch a short video to learn what a double barrel ostomy is and how it works.

  • What's Type 2 Diabetes? (Video) for Parents

    Watch this video to see what happens inside the body when a person has type 2 diabetes.

  • Treating Indirect Inguinal Hernia (Video) for Parents

    An inguinal hernia happens when part of the intestines slips into the groin (where the belly meets the upper leg) instead of staying in the belly as it should. Doctors fix inguinal (IN-gwuh-nul) hernias with surgery.

  • What's a Tear Duct Probe (Treating Tear-Duct Blockage)? (Video) for Parents

    Blocked tear ducts are a fairly common problem in infants. A common procedure called a tear duct probe can open the blockage.

  • What's Ear Tube Surgery (Myringotomy)? (Video) for Parents

    A doctor might suggest ear tube surgery if a child gets many ear infections that don't clear up easily or the ear infections seem to be causing hearing loss or speech delay. Ear tube surgery can drain fluid from the middle ear, prevent future infections, and help the child hear properly again.

  • Radioembolization (TARE-Y90) for Liver Tumors for Parents

    Radioembolization is a procedure used to treat some kinds of liver tumors. A radioactive material works on the tumor, not the healthy tissue around it.

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