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You searched for: teens-talk-family-vd
  • Adolescent Medicine Specialists for Teens

    Adolescent medicine doctors are specialists who have extra training in the medical and emotional issues that many teens face.

  • Gun Safety for Parents

    Guns are in many homes, so they're a very real danger to kids, whether you own one or not. Learn how to talk with your kids about gun safety.

  • Media Use Guidelines: Big Kids for Parents

    Not sure how much screen time is appropriate for your big kid? Get advice here.

  • Cerebral Palsy: Parents Talk (Video) for Parents

    Get advice from parents raising kids with cerebral palsy. Learn what works, what doesn’t, and what helped these families the most.

  • Disasters: How Families Can Help for Parents

    When disasters strike, it's natural for people to want to help. Here are some ways to do that.

  • Kids and Media Use: How to Build Healthy Habits for Parents

    TV, interactive video games, and the Internet can be excellent sources of education and entertainment, but too much plugged-in time can have unhealthy side effects.

  • How to Find Affordable Health Care for Parents

    Your kids could be eligible for health care coverage right now and you might not know it. Here are some options that may be available to your family.

  • How Can I Get the Pill if I Don't Have a Family Doctor? for Teens

    You can get the Pill (or the ring or patch) from a health clinic like Planned Parenthood.

  • Healthy Eating for Parents

    Good nutrition and a balanced diet help kids grow up healthy. Here's how to improve nutrition and encourage smart eating habits.

  • What Is Divorce? for Kids

    A divorce happens when two people who are married no longer want to be married to each other or live together. Learning more about divorce may make it a little easier to deal with.