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  • Dyslexia for Kids

    Dyslexia is a problem that makes it difficult for a kid to read. With some help and a lot of hard work, a kid who has dyslexia can learn to read and spell.

  • Hepatitis for Kids

    It's sneaky, it's silent, and it can permanently harm your liver. Read this article for more information on hepatitis.

  • Medical Care and Your 1- to 3-Month-Old for Parents

    You probably have lots of questions about your baby's health. When should you call the doctor, and what medical care should you expect for your baby at this age?

  • Medical Care and Your 2- to 3-Year-Old for Parents

    Regular well-child exams are essential to keeping kids healthy and up-to-date with immunizations against dangerous diseases. Here's what to expect at the doctor's office.

  • Group B Strep and Pregnancy for Parents

    Women who have this common but potentially dangerous bacteria while pregnant get antibiotics during labor to avoid passing the bacteria to their babies.

  • Birth Control: Abstinence for Parents

    Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Abstinence also protects people against STDs.

  • Abstinence for Teens

    Abstinence is the only form of birth control that is 100% effective in preventing pregnancy. Abstinence also protects people against STDs.

  • Choosing Your Mood for Teens

    Choosing your mood means being in control of it instead of feeling like it's controlling you. Here are tips on how to create the right mood to help you succeed at what you're trying to do.

  • Medical Care and Your Newborn for Parents

    You'll see your baby's doctor often during your little one's first year. Here's what to expect right after your baby arrives.

  • Vaccine Schedule for Parents

    Which vaccines does your child need and when? Use this schedule as a handy reference.