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You searched for: babysit-mom6t
  • Taking Care of Your Grandchildren for Parents

    When you take care of your grandkids, you're probably excited to put your own parenting experience to good use. But there are a few childcare basics to brush up on.

  • Hepatitis A for Teens

    Hepatitis A is a contagious liver infection caused by the hepatitis A virus (HAV). The hepatitis A vaccine has helped to make the infection rare in the United States.

  • Feeding Your Newborn for Parents

    These guidelines on breastfeeding and bottle feeding can help you know what's right for you and your baby.

  • Peer Pressure for Teens

    Responding to peer pressure is part of human nature — but some people are more likely to give in, and others are better able to resist and stand their ground. Find out how to make the right choices for you.

  • Pregnancy Slideshow (Mom & Baby) for Parents

    Here's a peek at what's going on inside your body during the amazing 40 weeks of pregnancy. Watch your belly — and your baby — grow!

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: How Much and How Often for Parents

    Here's info about how often to breastfeed your baby, how long it takes to nurse, and much more.

  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Solids and Supplementing for Parents

    Here are answers to some common supplemental feeding questions - from when to introduce solids to offering breastfed babies formula.

  • Weaning Your Child for Parents

    Weaning is when children make the transition from breast milk to other sources of nourishment. Here's how to make this change easier on you and your child.

  • Week 40 for Parents

    Your baby is here! Or maybe not — most women, especially first-time moms, don't deliver on their estimated due dates.

  • Caring for Your Premature Baby at Home for Parents

    Here’s what you need to know about keeping your baby safe and healthy over the next few weeks.