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You searched for: veggies
  • Lean Green Pita Dippers for Parents

    This fun and easy recipe is ready in minutes!

  • Recipes for Kids With Diabetes for Kids

    Just like everyone else, kids who have diabetes need to eat a variety of healthy foods. Give these nutritious recipes a try!

  • Summer Salmon for Kids

    Nicole Medina of Florida was invited to the White House because she won a national healthy recipe contest for creating this heart-healthy recipe.

  • Lean Green Pita Dippers for Kids

    This recipe requires some help from an adult.

  • How to Make a Low-Cost and Healthy Dinner for Parents

    Find out how to make dinner that's healthy and doesn't cost a lot.

  • I'm Skinny, So Does It Matter What I Eat? for Teens

    Foods that are high in fat and calories and low in nutrition can be bad for your health, even if you're skinny.

  • Are Detox Diets Safe? for Teens

    The name sounds reassuring - everyone knows that anything toxic is bad for you. But detox diets aren't good for teens. Find out why.

  • Food Safety: Fruits & Vegetables for Parents

    Kids need daily servings of fruits and vegetables. Here's how to make sure the produce you buy and prepare is safe.

  • Vitamins and Minerals for Teens

    Vitamins and minerals are nutrients that the body needs to work properly. They boost the immune system, promote normal growth and development, and help cells and organs do their jobs.

  • Fiber for Teens

    Some of the best and most delicious foods have loads of fiber. Find out how to get your fill of fiber!