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You searched for: drinking-water
  • Cholera for Teens

    Cholera is an intestinal infection that mostly affects people in tropical regions. Find out more about cholera in this article for teens.

  • Typhoid Fever for Parents

    While typhoid fever isn't common in the U.S., it can be a health threat elsewhere. Learn about this illness and how to prevent it.

  • Heat Illness for Parents

    Active kids can be at risk for heat illness, which can result in heat cramps, heat exhaustion, or heatstroke. Learn how to prevent and treat heat illness.

  • A Guide to Eating for Sports for Teens

    You've prepared for the game in almost every way possible: but now what should you eat? Read about performance foods, nutritional supplements, and more.

  • What's a Healthy Alternative to Water? for Teens

    Water is always the best way to hydrate and avoid empty calories. And you can always add flavors to it.

  • Food Poisoning for Teens

    The germs that get into food and cause food poisoning are tiny, but can have a powerful effect on the body. Find out what to do if you get food poisoning - and how to prevent it.

  • Pregnancy Precautions for Parents

    There can be a lot of questions about what's safe during pregnancy. Find out what's OK and what you should avoid before your baby is born.

  • What to Do About Dehydration for Parents

    Kids can become dehydrated when their bodies lose very large amounts of fluids. It's important to replace fluids as quickly as possible. Here's how.

  • Yersiniosis for Parents

    Yersiniosis is an uncommon infection caused by the consumption of undercooked meat products, unpasteurized milk, or water contaminated by the bacteria.

  • Feeding Your Child Athlete for Parents

    All kids need to eat balanced meals and have a healthy diet. But should that balance change for kids who play on a sports team or work out?