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You searched for: cancer-home-again
  • Feeding Your 4- to 7-Month-Old for Parents

    Is your baby is ready for solid foods? Learn how and when to get started.

  • Rejection and How to Handle It for Teens

    Rejection hurts. But it's impossible to avoid. Life is about going for things. And when we do, rejection is always a possibility.

  • Optimism for Teens

    Optimists see the good in things -- and science has discovered that optimists can do better in life. The good news is, even pessimists can be more optimistic. Find out how.

  • Lungs and Respiratory System for Teens

    Each day you breathe about 20,000 times. Find out more about the lungs and breathing process.

  • What Is Hypothermia? for Kids

    Hypothermia is when the body gets so cold that it can't warm itself up again.

  • Why Do I Feel Paralyzed Before I Fall Asleep? for Teens

    Sleep paralysis can happen just once and never again.

  • What Is the Apgar Score? for Parents

    The Apgar score is the very first test given to a newborn, done right after birth in the delivery or birthing room.

  • Teaching Your Child How to Swallow Pills for Parents

    Swallowing a pill is something that many of us take for granted. But just like any skill, learning to swallow a pill takes practice.

  • Osgood-Schlatter Disease for Teens

    Osgood-Schlatter disease (OSD) is an overuse injury that can cause knee pain in teens, especially during growth spurts. Learn more.

  • How Can I Quit Smoking? for Teens

    Nearly 1 in 5 deaths in the United States is related to tobacco. Are you ready to kick the habit?