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You searched for: asthma-flare-up
  • What Should I Do if My Friend Has an Asthma Flare-Up? for Teens

    Friends can be the first line of defense for someone who is having an asthma flare-up. Here's how to be prepared.

  • Asthma-Safe Homes for Teens

    Here's steps to remove or minimize triggers at home that cause asthma flare-ups.

  • Asthma Factsheet (for Schools) for Parents

    What teachers should know about asthma, and how to help students prevent and deal with flare-ups.

  • Asthma for Teens

    Asthma is a lung condition that makes it hard to breathe. Learn all about asthma here.

  • Managing Asthma for Parents

    Asthma control can take a little time and energy to master, but it's worth the effort. Learn more about ways to manage your child's asthma.

  • What Is Asthma? for Parents

    Asthma makes it hard to breathe. But with treatment, the condition can be managed so that kids can still do the things they love. Learn all about asthma.

  • School and Asthma for Teens

    Lots of teens have asthma. Here are tips on keeping it under control so you can prevent (or manage) a flare-up at school.

  • What's an Asthma Action Plan? for Parents

    Find out how this written plan can help you care for your child with asthma.

  • Smoking and Asthma for Parents

    Being a smoker is an obvious risk for kids and teens with asthma, but just being around people who smoke can cause problems too.

  • When to Go to the ER if Your Child Has Asthma for Parents

    If your child has asthma, find out when you need to go to the ER.