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You searched for: when-breakfast
  • MyPlate Food Guide for Teens

    MyPlate is designed to help people make smart food choices. Its different food groups are a reminder of what – and how much – we should put on our plates to stay healthy.

  • Gingerbread Muffins for Teens

    Muffins make a great "grab-and-go" breakfast. You can bake these the night before or keep the batter in the fridge for 2 or 3 days and bake up smaller batches each morning.

  • MyPlate Food Guide for Parents

    The USDA's food guide icon is designed to make meal planning easy. Here's how to get MyPlate onto your table.

  • Smart Snacking for Teens

    Find out how eating nutritious snacks throughout the day can keep your energy level high and your mind alert.

  • Constipation for Teens

    Constipation is a very common problem that usually happens because a person's diet doesn't include enough fluids and fiber. In most cases, making simple changes can help you feel better.

  • Anemia for Teens

    Anemia is when the number of red blood cells in the body gets too low. Red blood cells carry hemoglobin (pronounced: HEE-muh-glow-bin), a protein that carries oxygen throughout the body. Without enough of them, oxygen doesn't get to the body's organs. Without enough oxygen, the organs can't work normally.

  • What Makes Chickenpox Itch? for Kids

    Chickenpox can make you itch like crazy. Find out why in this article for kids.

  • Keeping Track of Your Blood Sugar for Kids

    Checking your blood sugar levels is a really important part of managing diabetes. Knowing those levels will help you keep your blood sugar under control - and that helps you feel good and keeps you healthy.

  • Be a Fit Kid for Kids

    A lot of people talk about fit kids, but how do you become one? Here are five rules to live by, if you want to eat right, be active, and keep a healthy weight.

  • Constipation for Parents

    Constipation is a very common problem among kids, and it usually occurs because a child's diet doesn't include enough fluids and fiber. In most cases, simple changes can help kids go.