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You searched for: tongue-cheek
  • Breastfeeding FAQs: Getting Started for Parents

    Here are answers to common questions about getting started with breastfeeding.

  • Safety Tips: Volleyball for Teens

    Following these tips can help protect you from injuries while playing volleyball.

  • A to Z: Gingivostomatitis, Herpetic for Parents

    Herpetic gingivostomatitis is a contagious mouth infection caused by herpes simplex virus type 1 (HSV-1). It most often occurs in young children and is usually the first exposure a child has to the herpes virus (which is also responsible for cold sores and fever blisters).

  • A to Z: Seizure, Tonic-Clonic for Parents

    A tonic-clonic seizure (also called a grand mal seizure) is a sudden attack that brings on intense muscle spasms and loss of consciousness. It is caused by abnormal brain activity and affects the entire body.

  • A to Z: Candidiasis for Parents

    Candidiasis is an overgrowth of a type of yeast, and commonly causes infections in the mouth, vagina, and skin.

  • Safety Tips: Field Hockey for Teens

    Field hockey is a contact sport, and injuries are bound to happen. To minimize your risk of injury, follow these safety tips.

  • Safety Tips: Lacrosse for Teens

    When everyone's moving so fast and using sticks to sling a solid rubber ball around, injuries are bound to happen in lacrosse. Here's how to avoid them.

  • Safety Tips: Hockey for Teens

    As fun as it is, ice hockey carries a very real risk of injury. To find out how to stay as safe as possible, follow these tips.

  • Safety Tips: Soccer for Teens

    Soccer is easy to learn at a young age, and it's great exercise. But it's also a contact sport, and injuries are bound to happen. To help prevent mishaps, follow these safety tips.

  • Formula Feeding FAQs: How Much and How Often for Parents

    Get answers to some common formula-feeding inquiries, from how much newborns eat to what their diapers might look like.