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You searched for: candi-link
  • Halloween Candy Hints for Parents

    For health-conscious parents, Halloween can be tricky. Do you set limits? Do you let kids decide how much to eat? There isn't just one right answer.

  • Halloween Safety Tips for Parents

    From the candy to the costumes, Halloween is a fun-filled time. But it can pose dangers to young revelers. For a trick-free treat, follow these simple safety tips.

  • Candied Sweet Potato for Parents

    This recipe is especially for pregnant and breastfeeding women, but it can be a nutritious part of almost anyone's diet.

  • Toddlers at the Table: Avoiding Power Struggles for Parents

    By offering choices, you can teach your toddler healthy eating habits and avoid power struggles about food.

  • Tree Nut Allergy for Teens

    Sometimes people outgrow some food allergies over time, but tree nut allergies are lifelong in many people.

  • Peanut Allergy for Teens

    Peanuts are one of the most common allergy-causing foods, and they often find their way into things you wouldn't imagine. Learn the facts on living with a peanut allergy.

  • What Are Carbohydrates? for Kids

    Carbohydrates (carbs) are a part of food. Find out why you need them in this article for kids.

  • Carbohydrates and Sugar for Parents

    Carbs are the body's most important and readily available source of energy. The key is to eat healthy ones, like whole grains, and avoid foods with added sugar.

  • Smokeless Tobacco for Teens

    Some types of smokeless tobacco contain more nicotine than cigarettes, so it can be even harder to quit using smokeless tobacco than to quit smoking.

  • Preventing Choking for Parents

    Choking is usually caused by food, toys, and other small objects that can get stuck in a child's windpipe. Read about how to protect kids from choking hazards.