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  • Ingrown Toenails for Teens

    A toenail is ingrown when it begins to break through and grow into the soft skin of the toe. Find out more about ingrown toenails.

  • A to Z: Common Variable Immunodeficiency (CVID) for Parents

    Learn about this common disorder that lowers the amount of antibodies a person's body can make and limits the ability to fight infections.

  • Competitive Sports: Helping Kids Play it Cool for Parents

    Sometimes the pressure to succeed on the field or in the court can be overwhelming. Learn what you can do to help your child keeps things in perspective.

  • Note-Taking Tips for Teens

    Want to stay on top of your schoolwork by taking great notes? Here's how!

  • Achilles Tendonitis for Teens

    If the tendon just above your heel becomes swollen or irritated due to overuse, it can lead to a painful condition called Achilles tendonitis. Find out how to treat it - and prevent it.

  • Stress Fractures for Teens

    It's not always easy to tell if you have a stress fracture, and stress fractures can get worse quickly. This article explains how to prevent and treat them.

  • Reading Books to Babies for Parents

    Reading aloud to your baby stimulates developing senses, and builds listening and memory skills that can help your baby grow up to be a reader.

  • Little League Elbow for Parents

    Little League elbow is an overuse injury to the elbow caused by repetitive throwing. Most cases happen in pitchers, but any young athlete who throws a lot can get the condition.

  • Tourette Syndrome for Parents

    Tourette syndrome is a condition that causes uncontrolled sudden, repetitive muscle movements and sounds known as tics.

  • Classroom Exercise Breaks for Elementary Students for Parents

    Elementary school teachers can incorporate physical activity breaks into daily classroom routines to help improve test scores and student behavior. This article is for educators.